Summit Editions

Image Capture

In order to create a print, you first need to have an image of the work. The better the image, the better the print.

Some print shops offer art scanning and photography services. We do not, for one very good reason—because one of the premiere art scanning services in the world is just down the road from us. For more info, see below.

Image Requirements

In order to ensure quality prints, your image files need to meet the following minimum requirements:

Resolution: Minimum 300dpi
File Format: TIFF (prefered), JPEG
Color Mode: RGB only
Colorspace: Adobe RGB 1998 (preferred), sRGB

Photography Vs Scanning

Traditionally, photography was the primary means of capturing a quality image of your physical artwork and it is still a viable method today. In fact, we’ve even produced prints of beautiful quality from photos taken with a smartphone.

But in our experience, images produced using a flatbed scanning system are the best in quality, detail, and accuracy in color. That’s why we are privileged to work closely with Lizza Studios to provide art scanning services. See below for more information.

Lizza Studios Logo

Lizza Studios

Our Partner in Fine Art Reproduction

Lizza Studios was founded by Bob in 1993 following ten years of ground floor work in scanning, layout, design and digital file manipulation. Bob’s abilities as an artist and fascination with scanning and large format digital photography has gained him the privilege of working with clients around the world seeking his level of expertise. In 2003 the studio was one of the first in the US to acquire and master the Cruse CS285ST flatbed scanning system. Lizza Studios is a leader in the field of fine art reproduction working with clients like The Vatican, The Metropolitan, The Getty and countless artists from around the world. We are privileged to work closely with Bob Lizza on capturing the highest quality digital images of your artwork for the best prints possible. Visit for more information on getting scans of your work.